Sunday, 4 March 2012


how do you define "normal?" What is it to be a "normal human being?"

First lets consider an inanimate object; a dress for example. So a dress by definition is a one piece apparell that has no base and the bottom if loose. So a dress has characteristics but that doesnt make it normal, it makes it a dress. We use certain criteria to catagorise things and compartmetalise things, thus coming up with a definition.everything that fits into that definition doesnt automatically make it normal it confirms that it is infact what it is (I may be repeating this point but it is pivotal to the argument)

Human beings have conscious', we have a certain language that is understandable and interchangable; that is what makes us human in relation to animals. Possesing those things doesnt automatically classifyyou as normal, it merely compartmentalises you as human.
"a normal human being would...fill in gap..." I'm pretty sure 63% of those surveyed to get those statistics are either drug addicts, sex offenders or even pyschotic and that in Modern Society, those social behaviours would be dubbed "not normal."--in the same breath; Modern Society can not exist. Modern Society owns a laptop, uses his blackberry more than his ink pen and spends over 30 hours watching television (and such related mediums) a week. I partake in none of those practises yet I am statistically still a citizen of this supposed society. And there are more of me; hundreds more, thousands more. Millions of people live in this modern society who practise alternative, bizarre, "not normal" things. This would conclude that we are merely all humans living in the space.
It sounds an awful lot like theatre to me, like a performance whereby we all create our own circumstances, take on unique characters and engage in the action going on in our own, personal realities and perspectives. Create your own society, draw up and speak from your individual truth. Be happy.

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