Wednesday, 14 December 2011

we are infinite withing ourselves...

indulge me for a brief moment; if molecules make up the world, us included, then are we not molecules ourselves? yes? right. Now if we ourselves are molecules and the world is made of molecules then there is a very real, very likely possibility that our planet is, fuck it our entire universe is a molecule part of someone elses body who lives in their own respective world part of their own solar system and universe alike. if we were to consider this theory then forever begins to become tangible. it puts the length, size and depth of forever into perspective...

okay but lets back track. as opposed to only looking outwardly lets turn the magnifying glass introspectively. if our entire existence is molecules of another humanity and so on and so forth then surely, surely we have universes and worlds within ourselves too?
geeeeez! wait woah, this has to too far a place but this kind of knowledge and imagination is so overwhelming i want to cut it out and leave it to cool like a freshly baked (no pun intended) pie for a moment. I would never be able to access these truths in a sober state so let me admit something--i'm high. i'm so high music is coming at me from different directions, the sound has dimensions and although i wont go into that now the enlightenment proves that when you are in this state of being you have heightened sensitivity and all that nosh. you eat from the tree of knowledge and you dine with the "gods"... and right now, the possession of this knowledge is amazing, it makes no sense to mere mortals but enter this trance like state. the state of the super being and it all  the mystery's of life are unlocked to you, handed to you on a silver platter! God appeared to Moses through a burning bush. coincidence? i think not!!!

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