Wednesday, 30 November 2011

is the poverty in our black society just as hereditary as their fear the re-entrance of Apartheid?

Nelson Mandela was freed and in the short steps following his freedom, he was inaugurated as the first democratic president of the new south africa... he won the Nobel Peace Prize, the man is a revolutionary--like his peers Ghandi and Theresa he was the epitome of  humanity. he was a martyr for equality and fairness for all. at one point those were the principals the ANC stood for, the fundamental basis upon witch the ANCYL and BCM were formed around, what a fall from grace!

South Africa is run by a president who has a rap sheet
Brett Kebble's assisted suicide uncovered an entire worm hole of gang/drug/crime related parallel to our society
Julius Malema----enough said
Mac Maharaj is under public scrutiny now for his involvement in the countries ongoing corruption epidemic
The Protection of secrecy Bill is silencing the truth
"Aids can be cured by eating a combination of beetroot and garlic." Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, and now our HEALTH MINISTER is dead...

we need to return to the primary principles our forefathers ArchBishop Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, the late OR Tambo and Steve Biko stood for 

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