Saturday, 28 April 2012

what does it mean to you..

can you imagine dying.. that's you, "tickets bra."
                             i spent the night flying over the restrictions of logic. The notion of us all being a babies dream or the theory that we are in actual fact already dead weren't disregarded. "Heaven is a place of choices too man, remember Lucifer decided to go against God." The rest of us let the heavy words from Willhelm burden our shoulders, worrying us because we feared messing up in Heaven ourselves. I tried in vain to lift the spirits but Jam Jam presented another truth that knuckled down on us harder..
                                                                                                                                           "Some Christian faiths believe that humans are angels that are being tested. That we were up there fucking around and God decided 'hey guys let me give you a time out, mess up now but in the end I'll decide if you can come back."
It seems like the most logical explanation for religion or spirituality-whatever you want to call it. It explains how we are neither in Heaven nor hell. Because we are in the waiting room

naaa, we got pretty baked last night it was a special kind of awesome. There were confessions and heart farts that had us questioning our own personal ideologies.
we laughed about death despite all our intimate fears regarding it..

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