Monday, 4 June 2012

5th time lucky

African people have been ridiculed for decades. Saartje Baartman was kidnapped and presented across Europe as a grosteque southern african savage. African dance has been described as barbaric and the art primitive.
I want to-not apologise but-bring to your attention that I may be carrying the anger of my forefathers when addressing this. I find myself blinded by grotesque savage barbaric primitive rage when people criticise the African culture of polygomy.

Sudies have concluded that just over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Of those 75% remarry only to get divorced again. The 60% of the divorced-remarried-divorcees try again. And again. And one more time for good measure. By the time some of these licentious lovers die they have wed 4/5 times. Now tell me, how is that better than a man who marries 5 women and stays with them all 'til death they part? Don't get me wrong I don't appriciate polygomy just as much as I detest divorce. But how can we ridicule one, who technically stays faithful and keeps to his vows yet no judgement is passed for the other who gave up because statistics premeditated it. It seems like a case of the thief calling the hijacker croocked. We're being hypocrites, spouse-swapping hypocrites..

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