Sunday, 10 June 2012

take it as you like-

What are we; humans? What does that even mean?
"I hear babies cry and I watch them grow. They'll learn much more than I'll ever know."
We have all this intelligence that we dont understand,
We know what is right but we do what we want anyway.

The world is a lonely place and we live such solitary lives-forcing ourselves to socially partake in social situations but we go home to empty homes to empty rooms and sit alone on the toilet.
We spend months prepping ourselves for things we wont even enjoy/
We convince ourselves that pain is beauty...

A flower doesnt suffer, it knows it is a flower and so enjoys what it is but we; humans(?), because of our own suffering, selfishly destroy by plucking probing anf proding. A stone is a stone and accpets its density.
It doesn't challenge its strength.
But we; humans(?) attack with them, making them violent.

What are we; humans(?) what does that even mean-
It means we're lost and confused.


We think we're bettering ourservels by aquiring knowledge
when in actuality we are comlivating the process, the natural order, the circle of existence.

Life could be so easy if we just let it
But we dont, we wont, we cant.
We think we have it all figured out but if someone asked, "who are you," would you recite a bunch of credential, list your lineage, your name, your family tree?

Flowers are flowers and stones are stones.
But we are mammals, man-kind, males and females, children-adults-pentioners.
We are smart and dumb, active and lazy, sluts and prudes, pagons and believers, commoners and drifters, elitists and others--

Why cant we simply be,

living breathing creations of Creation?

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