Wednesday, 23 November 2011

cats got my tongue

everybodys talking.. but i guess now it's illegal to talk to each other... this secrecy bill is the re-entrance of oppression into South Africas history. We aren't being forced to sweep the truth under the rugg but the government is throwing every Tom Dick and Harry who has an opinion into jail!

Since when has truth ever been conditional and compartmentalized... Omission is betrayl and if the government is deciding to censor certain things, ANYTHING then it makes it obvious that they have something to hide... this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the Apartheid regime was gaining momentum the NP government took the decision to ban certain magazines and press platforms from voicing their opinions... notice any resemblance here???
I dunno, maybe I'm way way way wrong... read the 28 page bill and make you own conclusions:

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