Sunday, 3 June 2012

seeing God in people

i got paid the nicest compliment today; she said I didnt contend.
                                                           she said I didnt have to be good enough 'cos I'm already the best.

she said, "I'm telling you Inga; even though you dont belong
                                              you'll find love in the galaxy,            all in His arms"

Yesturday was a beutifully delicicous experience. Dining on laughs upon layers of fallen leaves. It was decadent, under the night sky slitterered with sparkling kisses. The cold hugged our bodies so tight our limbs were gasping for warm air. Me and my friend flew high. Above the dead grass abd selfish trees denying the leaves; their loves, their nutrients. We went there. We got there. And we feasted there;
Upon thoughts of time entiwined in Gods fingers.
Eternity enlocked in Her golden tresses.
Love Bursting from her smile.

God is beautiful, and we saw Her in the stars tonight

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